Baby, you don't know what it is like to be fat

Bay-bee... You dun know what sit like...
Bay-bee... You dun know what sit le--ike...
To have some bodee.. To have big bodee... LIKE ME!
So farty pants... gain some weight before you write about being fat. Have you ever breach the 120kg mark? Howabout 133kg? Or my highest record of 350 pounds (broke the 120kg scale) so replaced with an american item that can weigh all the way to 440 lbs. To let you know on a secret....
I feel good.. da da da... DA DA DA.... I feel goooooood... You can do me at my every fold of fat! Wah ha ha ha! LOL!

Fat beats anorexia anytime. Eat up baby, your bones are showing. There is no better time to be fat. You cloths are bigger but they cost the same. You dun have to waste time with fashion as cloths looks the same on you anyway they are cut. However you look best without clothes. Yippee! Hee Haw!!!!
What is more relaxing then be able to kick your shoes off and knock off 3 beers before you burp and not give a fuck what it might do to your waistline? Less even so what any lesser human thinks. Buah ha ha ha!
I wanna be Larden.

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