Refunding your single trip MRT ticket after 30 days

What pisses me off is this that nobody bother to tell me that. There is no online information on that, no sign on the GTM stating that. For that matter, not anywhere in the bloody MRT station. So be warned. If you left your $1 deposit money with SMRT for more than 30 days, it becomes their property. Even if you return that doggy ticket, they will not give you a refund.
I was going to Raffles MRT the other day and I remembered this ticket that has been sitting on my dresser for the longest time. I asked the ticket counter if they will refund it, they referred me to the control station, who then as me to proceed to the GTM. So being the trusting asshead, I went and insert the ticket in the slot, only to get a text message to say my card expired for more than 30 days. No money returned. No nothing. Now why the hell do I want to return the bloody card if I am getting nothing for it?!!!
If I wanted to make some corporation rich, I would have donated to the NKF. Now to the moralfuck who designed this 30 day expiration, I hope you realized how black your heart is for taking the $1 from folks like who bother to return the MRT ticket. Remeber your gain is somebody else's lose. Well done, you are on track to Dante's Inferno. The money you bring with you can fuel the eternal flame scorching your soul. And if you don't believe in haven and hell, you should search your soul. This site might be able to help.
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