Confused modern guys
Ok, guys, be more sensitive to the fairer sex. But really, I am confused. The Chinese culture has 4 major vices - 吃喝嫖赌 , referring to indulgence in drugs, alcohol, womanizing and gambling. If your partner is not into any of these 4 vices but instead channel his energy (气) into say... 3 PDAs, 5 laptops, 3 routers, 5 ADSL modems, cable modems, 6 mobile phones, I think it is a lot easier to deal with than any of the 4 classical vices. I am picking a fight here... wah ha ha ha
The movie [每天爱你8小时] breaks down a person's day into 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work and 8 hours is dedicated to loving you. Yes, it is not 100%, but it is already 100% of what you can spare without losing sleep or not working. Surviving on A&W -- air & water is not doable as I am not an exotic plant.
I think it boils down to 人往高处,水往低流,人生不足蛇吞象, 爸穿裙子不像样。知足常乐, 万寿无疆,苦海无边, 回头是岸。 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理, 我想这道理, 你是不会理。Generally, woman will be looking at correcting “flaws” in men (read not only their partners) at every opportunity. It is like when I was earning $135 a month, my pay was not enough. I was barely surviving on my salary. Through the years, I have had a few jobs (13 maybe) and some pay adjustment, I still think I am barely surviving on my salary. When you realized that when you met your partner, he was already having those hobbies. It was acceptable then, but after some time, years maybe, it becomes unacceptable. So what has changed? EXPECTATIONS.

I am resigned to the fact that no matter how good a woman has it compared to your great grandmother or even her mom, she is trying to better that. It’s not entirely a bad thing, however, guys thinks differently. If a guy cuts his gadgets, where will he channel his energy (气)? 气运丹田 comes to mind. [丹田] is an acupoint below the belly button, about 1/3 the way to the sex organ. So perhaps energy (气) should be directed to [丹田] for womanizing? If you have been to neighboring coffeeshops, you can see for yourself that the foreign talent scene looks good in Singapore right now. Age is not on your side, you are not as cute as before and if you start continue to be too much of a pain... ha ha... there are always some pretty young thing on the horizon who are happy with us guys.... (Now the gloves comes off!)
Mayhap the guy can take up drugs/alcohol to ease the lost of the gadgets. Designer drugs are such a waste of time, aerosol paint is a better abuse alternative. Don't do LSD, heroine will kill you in about 4 years. ICE is about the same. Cocaine is always good fun. Alternatively, Gambling is good fun too. Casinos is going to be at our door steps. Genting and Las Vegas is not so far away if you are serious about gambling. Just splash it on flashy cars, it'll be raining proxy (inside joke) in no time. (Wah throwing hard punches now!)
Maybe if you share your financial plans for the “wasted” money on gadgets, you will get a commitment to not splash money on more gadgets or to slow down the splashing to a little trickle. Show them you are making sacrifices too. That you are also giving up some things for a better future. Just nagging would not help. It would simply send them to the ever so cute Chinese national who is ever so willing to listen and sympathize with them. Say what they want to hear. And on that count, 2 inch is big and 4 inch is the king of the world!
Woman’s lib, bra burning sexual equality is a turn off. The smart woman knows how to satisfy a man. If he thinks he has won when he gave up his gadgets. He would be most happy to continue to give it up. It is up to you to make him feel he won. Sigh. I am so EVIL. Guys should just stay being a Caring Understanding Nicety Type. C.U.N.T. for short.
~ Arch
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